
Ari can help develop useful skills by running a workshop for your team. Work on team building, leadership, communication, stress relief skills and more by booking a workshop. Some available workshops include:

THRIVE! Wilderness

Ari Gunzburg in Ivy PatchHappiness creates a work environment with better results. More creativity, greater efficiency, better solutions – all proven results of greater happiness.

Create greater happiness at work and at home with tools to use now and in the future. Learn gratitude practices. Bring your people back to center. Work together to get back to the basics with happiness and teamwork exercises.

This workshop takes place in a local natural setting (like a forest). The simple act of getting away from your office to a new location sparks creativity and allows people to THRIVE.

This workshop can be presented in different formats and lengths. In unique circumstances this can be presented indoors.

Let’s talk about it! Contact Ari »

Key Takeaways

  • Spark creativity
  • Gratitude (and in turn more productivity)
  • Happiness tools
  • Stress relief
  • Create space
  • Better teamwork
  • More cohesive groups
  • Tools to use as a team

Key Takeaways

  • Importance of precision
  • Increased productivity
  • More creativity
  • Increased group happiness
  • Improved life and work outlook
  • Make the choice to build others up
  • Work together

Builders We All

Builders Workshop Photo

Journey into the world of building – including props – for a workshop that is fun and an adventure for all. Points are illustrated using typical building materials and methods, from Ari’s experiences working in the building trades.

In this workshop the group learns concepts firsthand and is presented with thought-provoking examples. Exercises are used to help the team work together more effectively and increase group happiness, as well as group cohesion.

Together develop an overall better outlook in life and in work, with an end goal of increasing productivity, creativity and happiness.

Let’s personalize this for your eventBook now! »


The Easy Guide to Creating a Brand Logo

The Easy Guide to Creating a Brand Logo

Learn about logos and what makes a good logo or a bad logo. Gain an understanding of the role color plays in your branding. Learn about typefaces and the message they send.

Hiring a logo design firm to do a full exploration can easily cost many thousands of dollars. You know your brand better than anyone. Be a part of this logo exploration exercise and later hire an artist to complete your logo based on your instructions (after the workshop) instead of hiring a branding company to develop your brand for you.

Complete an exploration for your own logo, making branding decisions on important aspects such as coloring and typography. Also brainstorm possible logo symbols to incorporate, with sketches (no drawing required) and more.

This workshop is best presented as a breakout session at a conference, or as a seminar for a learning organization, such as a library or an entrepreneurial group. It could also be presented to a startup/launch team to have the core team work through steps to create their best logo.

Let’s talk about how and when to present this.

Want to learn more? Check Availability »

Key Takeaways

  • Actionable plan for logo creation
  • Choose logo/brand colors
  • Font selection
  • Icon ideas
  • Workbook
  • Specific steps to follow

Key Takeaways

  • Actionable plan for a website
  • Learn information architecture
  • Discover and use wireframes
  • Workbook with specific steps
  • Learn the basics of a good WordPress website (can also create the initial site)(optional)
  • SEO concepts and tools

Holy Website! What Do I Do?!

You know you need a website. But you don’t know where to start. Learn how to create a plan and define your wants and needs. This will help you either clearly define what you will get when working with a web designer or give you the plan you need to complete the website yourself. Hiring a web design firm to create a website for you can get expensive. And if you don’t really know what you want, part of what they will be charging you for is to help you clarify your ideas. If you are able to determine exactly what you want, and you can give the web design firm a clear plan to complete the website, you will save time, money and effort when developing your site. In this workshop, learn  what makes a good website and a bad website. Learn about usability and how it effects your online presence. Briefly touch upon best practices for SEO (Search Engine Optimization – a lengthy subject in and of itself). Create an actionable plan to develop a website including your information architecture and wireframes. Learn the basics of setting up a WordPress website to be able to set up your own website. Let’s talk about how to incorporate this workshop in your next event! Or bring your top team together to work through this and create the structure for your corporate website.

Let’s talk! Contact Now! »

Looking to present other marketing or branding topics? Let Ari know and he may be able to custom design a presentation or a workshop for your next event.

These workshops may be available in a different format if needed, for instance as a breakout session at a conference, or as a standalone presentation that is less focused on working through the steps and more focused on giving over the concepts. 

Discuss your needs today so Ari can help you find a solution: Contact »

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