About Ari Gunzburg

Ari Gunzburg giving keynote speechAri learned about death early in life. He experienced a traumatic moment when only 10 years old, when his teacher passed away while on a hiking trip. This would affect his life deeply and change his perspective forever. 

Following the death of this teacher, there was trouble afoot at school for all of the traumatized kids. This created a domino effect of changes and decisions that all culminated in Ari getting his “PhD” from the school of hard knocks, through multiple bad decisions and the outcomes of those decisions.

Having to live through these decisions and consequences has taught Ari many important life lessons; all of which he passes on to others.

Learning and Living Past Your Mistakes

“Regret not, but learn from your mistakes,” says Ari, reminiscing the wild cycles he experienced during his misspent youth. “Any lesson gained from real life experiences is one you no longer need to learn in a formal educational setting.”

Ari has had many life-changing experiences, each of which shaped him; from trouble in school, to going unexpected places and more.

Moving Past Marketing

Ari Speaking After more than a decade working in marketing, branding, graphic design and websites, Ari realized that his experiences can help others. That his mistakes don’t have to be lived over and over again, if he can just tell over his story, and help people understand.

Helping Others

Ari is now focused on helping others, all while taking care of four fantastic children and the most amazing wife.

He is building programs and workshops to help others, using his ability to speak. Ari hosts the podcast Way To Greatness, to help others find their path to success and greatness. Ari helps others experience the wilderness, and the calm that comes from being immersed in nature. And Ari is helping kids and teenagers make better decisions.

Ari is now building lives of meaning.


Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved.
Helen Keller

What Does Ari Do?

Ari is now a motivational speaker, a podcast host, and a wilderness liaison. Ari has plans to start writing a book in the near future, outlining specific programs and ideas to help people build a more meaningful life.


In The News

Learn more about media appearances with Ari, from podcast interviews to being quoted in articles and more.

Media Appearances

Speaker One Sheet

View and download Ari Gunzburg’s speaker one sheet here, to include in your shortlist of available speakers.

Speaker One Sheet

Interests and Hobbies

Ari’s many interests and hobbies include:
  • Family
  • Rock climbing
  • Woodworking
  • Hiking
  • Cycling
  • Yoga
  • Fitness
  • Healthy eating
  • Nature
  • Guitar
  • Piano
  • Health
  • Reading (sci-fi/fantasy mostly)
  • Writing
  • Painting
  • Pastels
  • Beer (IPAs mostly)
  • Wine
  • Bourbon
  • One very special rum
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